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Today's CVS purchase

January 19th, 2012 at 12:27 am

I am scaling back on my CVS purchases; however, this particular week had some items that we like to purchase/use on sale and it was a perfect storm of coupon matching. Here is the breakdown:

3 boxes of Cool Touch Kleenex (LB likes these--bought them on a previous CVS trip): 50 cents per box

6 boxes of Wheat Thins: 83 cents per box

2 packs of Valentine's Kisses: $1 per pack

2 bags of Kettle chips: 65 cents per bag

I also purchased a loaf of wheat bread because LB doesn't like the Brownberry Oatnut I got on sale (I happen to like it, but oh well). I used the bread to make grilled cheese sandwiches with the homemade turkey soup stashed in our freezer. Background story on the soup: when I first started this couponing endeavor, it was around Thanksgiving and Turkeys were delightfully on sale. I bought one for around $5 with my coupons and froze it. I figured it would eventually come in handy as a cheap meat option. My mom soon after found out her markers were super high and that she would have to go back on chemo. Because she gets super nauseous, I decided that turkey soup might be a good food option for her, so over winter break, I cooked the turkey and made the soup. I froze a container for us and am pleasantly surprised to say it was REALLY good. I do need to figure out a better way of noodling the soup as the frozen noodles became soggy upon reheating. LB said he liked them as it kind of had a dumpling effect.

In any event, checked the ads for our local grocery stores this week and the only really decent deal going on is Tide at Jewel for $4.99 per bottle if you buy two with coupon. I have a bunch of $2 off Tide coupons, so will buy two for $2.99 a piece. I will also hit up our local fruit/veggie market for some cheap produce for next week's lunches and dinners. We've got rice, pasta and potatoes. Life is good Wink

First $5 Amazon Gift Card!

January 18th, 2012 at 01:18 am

So I joined and have already earned my first $5 Amazon gift card. I have decided that the better deal is to work towards accumulating as many $5 Amazon cards as possible. I will save these for my Christmas shopping next year. I have also decided to save any Target gift cards I receive for purchasing specific deals at Target rather than rolling them into another purchase. So will my earnings through as well. In the mail today, I received something regarding a class action law suit. What ever amount I receive will go towards the Christmas fund goal.

The grocery store in my area has this sweepstakes going on where specific items in the store get you game tickets. If you collect the right tickets, you can win grocery gift cards, cash, TVs, even a car. After months of collecting the darn things, I finally won a $2 gift card. I'm stoked. Mission complete--I won something! People at work have been complaining of all the work involved for nothing. I liked last year's promo better. I paid two cents for two non-stick beautiful pans. Ahhhh well, $2 for the win!

On the CVS note, I totally picked up some sweet deals this week. I had four 40 cents/1 softsoap coupons and they were on sale for 99 cents a piece at CVS. I now have a stash of five hand soaps in my closet. I also snagged eight tubes of sensodyne for LB and my mom (who can only use sensodyne due to the chemo) for $1.80 a piece and two free carmexes (the sensodyne usually retails for $5.99). I paid a total of $14 for $55 worth of merchandise and boy is my stockpile looking good. It's full of favorite brands all purchased at a fraction of the price. In fact, cheaper than I would generally spend on the "I need" list. I love this saving approach. So superior!

CVSing and exploring money making opportunities

January 6th, 2012 at 03:01 pm

First off, I have become rather OCD regarding my weekly CVS trips. The past two months, my goal has been to create a stockpile in my home so that I no longer am required to do large weekly shopping trips. I was sharing with my friend (I will regard her as M) That so easily was I able to drop $150 if not more on a weekly grocery trip just shopping using the strategy of "what I need" rather than "what's on sale." When purchases such as the razors I like to use or shampoo would come up, I would then panic because those items would drive my total through the roof.

Last week's CVS trip was rather large, but I did supply my mother and sister with products (for which they paid) and also created enough stockpile that now I keep my eyes peeled for a)items/brands not currently in the stockpile b)seriously good deals. This will shrink my weekly trips very much, although I truly was only spending $50 per week if that on a CVS trip. I have this week and next week planned out. I am currently working on planning my grocery purchases. I have plenty of chicken breasts in the freezer, have a good supply of pasta as well as rice so will stock up on sauce, non-perishable lunch items and seriously good deals ONLY. Of course the perishables need to be purchased on a regular basis.

I have been scouring the couponing blogs care of M lately. I found Simply CVS who recommends ethical couponing. I whole heartedly agree! I did not realize that CVS has a policy that there can only be one CVS card per household. I had opened a card in my lovely boyfriend's (I shall regard HIM as LB) name to maximize deals. I am going to stop doing that. I very much like that I can do my couponing and would like to continue doing so in an ethical and legal manner.

Also, said blogs have hipped me to money making opportunities. I signed up for swagbucks as well as savingstar. I plan on working hard at earning gift cards to pay for my son's spring aftercare fees. It's $210. Let's see if I can do it! You'll notice I've installed a swagbucks widget on the side of my blog and have also installed their toolbar. I will work on daily earning points/dollars and dutifully save those gift cards (I think both web sites reward in paypal gift cards which is perfect because our park district uses paypal).

Before winter break, I put in an email to teach night school. I will keep you updated on this endeavor. I will also be keeping my eyes peeled for other tutoring opportunities.