February 11th, 2012 at 07:10 pmChange. Of. Plans. Current contract negotiations are looking VERY bleak. Vote on the contract to take place in August, but the caveat is a 75% vote to strike which will be very difficult to obtain (Thanks illustrious Chitown mayor!--I am reluctant to name him because I wouldn't be surprised if he has someone paid to find public employees like me bad mouthing him on the interwebz). In the event that we DO strike (which I feel we must given what I know about what the board of ed wants from us), I must have a reserve of cash. This is what is rumored the board wants in our new contract:
1) get rid of tenure
2) get rid of sick day bank
3) employee pays entire contribution to pension
4) no extra pay for longer day
5) get rid of language in the contract that details job specifics and leave it up to principal discretion
Well gee, I guess that means you'd like me to thank you for the privilege of keeping me job, eh? Given that fact that I teach without ANY of the resources required for me to do my job safely and properly, that I encounter some of the most dangerous children in America daily and that given my education, I am paid far below those with commensurate education, I think not.
SO...the plan is now to bank as much money as possible. If I find a job in another district, I will be free of the strike issue. If not, I will need to teach summer school so I can bank that money in the event of a strike.
On a more positive note, I have collected $35 in Target gift cards and $20 in Amazon gift cards towards my Christmas gift card challenge. I am so proud of myself! Swagbucks has been great and as to the Target gift cards, I have simply waited for products on sale that I would normally buy and rather than rolling the gift cards into my purchases, I am saving them for my Christmas purchases. I am so proud!
My stockpile looks good. I am considering the purchase of a small (4 cubic feet) freezer that I can place in our small closet so I can also begin stockpiling frozen goods. Strike=nuclear holocaust? It may as well mean that. I have GOT to be ready X marks the "yes" box and I mean to hold out for as long as it takes for our government to understand the value of their teachers.